Serving the City of Reno, Nevada


26 Jun, 2023
If you’re like me, you’ve probably heard the often quoted “fact” that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Believe it or not, that’s not true.
22 May, 2023
When we waste time on trivial things, we lose sight of what can fulfill us
24 Apr, 2023
How to separate temporary happiness from lasting joy
Before You Have Kids: 5 Things I Wish I Knew
21 Mar, 2023
Having kids is a gamechanger. One of the very first things most new parents discover after having their first child is that it’s nothing like you expected.
Preparing for Marriage
23 Feb, 2023
If you’re in marriage for the long haul—as everyone should be—there are aspects to keep in mind, both about yourself and your relationship with your spouse.
13 Jan, 2023
Feeling lost? If you’re struggling to find your mission in life—your place in the world—you’re not alone. In fact, an increasing number of Americans report feeling this way. A recent Harvard Youth Pool reported that just over half of respondents (ages 18 to 29) said they had recently felt down, depressed, or hopeless. The feeling of being lost impacts many areas of life, whether it be relationships, careers, or simply self-growth. It often stems from a lack of purpose or fulfillment—perhaps even making life seem like there is no meaning—but that couldn’t be further from the truth. While this can certainly be overwhelming, the good news is this: you have more control over this feeling than you may realize, and there are ways to get out of the rut and back on track. Take a Life Inventory Life is busy. Oftentimes, it’s so busy that it’s easy to get lost in the day to day tasks that you lose sight of things that are truly important. Stop and take an inventory of your life. Are you routinely focusing enough time on things that are important to you in life? Do you have healthy habits that impacting you in a positive way? Or are you perhaps spending too much time mindlessly scrolling through social media or overcommitting yourself to tasks that simply don’t align with what you want in life? Spending too much time on things that don’t positively impact our lives—and, in fact, allow in negative viewpoints or behavior—will almost always lead to a feeling of being lost. After taking that inventory, make a list of things in your life that are wasting your time and leading to negative behaviors and remove what you can. In addition, find those things on the list that are important and find ways to make them more of a priority. There’s only so much time in the day—are you sacrificing your time for things that should be a priority, or are you knowingly (or even unknowingly) giving your time to unhealthy behaviors? Revisit Your Roots Navigating various phases of life can often lead to feeling lost, especially when these phases take you further away from things (or people) that once mattered to you. Losing these things, even for a season in life, can make us feel confused about who we are or that we are suddenly on a path in life that we just don’t recognize. Think through things that used to matter to you that perhaps you no longer do. Are there impactful moments in your life that you have been neglecting in recent years that perhaps you’d like to revisit? For some people, this can revolve around church. Perhaps you were exposed to church at a young age but life moved you elsewhere and church no longer has a role in your life. Try revisiting these things that were once impactful in your life. Reach Out When stuck in a rut, it’s easy to isolate, keeping others—even those we sincerely care about—at arm’s length for a variety of reasons (i.e., for fear of what someone else may think about your current state of thinking or simply not feeling worthy of care or concern). Yet it’s lonely on your own—God did not wire us as humans to live life alone—and that only increases the feeling of being lost. Opening up to someone you trust can provide an immediate relief when things seem out of control. Inviting others into your life provides opportunities for new points of view, people to bounce ideas off of, and simply someone who cares that will listen. Reach out to a mentor, your local faith family at church, or even a trustworthy friend or family member and open up to them about what you are experiencing. Still unsure of your next step in figuring out your mission in life? We can help. We offer a variety of Life Groups—small groups that meet throughout the week all around Reno. They are a great way to begin to get to know others and build a community. Not quite ready for that? I understand, but I’d still love an opportunity to talk with you about how you’re feeling and where you’re struggling specifically. Visit us during one of our Sunday services , or simply share your prayer request by texting us at (775) 485-1234 and we will walk with you on your journey.
15 Dec, 2022
Tired of Feeling Lonely? 3 Ways to Break Your Isolation
Build Relationships for the Long Haul
06 Dec, 2022
Busyness tends to lead to isolation from others, but that’s not how we were created to live. So how do we live in community with others in the midst of those never-ending schedules?
Hopeless person lost at sea
30 Nov, 2022
Hopelessness is a rising issue in Reno among all age groups. Read on for help when you're struggling.
05 Nov, 2022
What is this blog for? Find out who we are and what our mission is.
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