Serving the City of Reno, Nevada

Tired of Feeling Lonely? 3 Ways to Break Your Isolation

Dec 15, 2022

There’s hope to be found for anyone dealing with the feeling of isolation

Are you lonely?

For many of us—if we’re truly being honest—the answer is a resounding yes. According to a report from the Making Caring Common Project at Harvard, approximately 36 percent of Americans feel “experience loneliness.” That loneliness has been exacerbated since the pandemic thanks to months on end of staying apart, an increase in people working from home, and general social isolation due to so much time spent online. Taking it even further, an American Perspectives Survey from 2021 reported that Americans are acknowledging they have fewer friendships than ever before.

Despite the many different scenarios that got us to this extreme feeling of loneliness, the reality is that many of us are in this unfortunate state of isolation. But are you ready for the good news? It doesn’t have to be this way. God made us to not only be in relationship with one another, but also to desire to be in relationships with one another. He tells us so Himself in Genesis 2:18 when He creates Eve as a partner for Adam: “The LORD God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’”

The consistent feeling of loneliness and isolation can be overwhelming—so much so that it can seem like a hole you just can’t quite dig yourself out of. But there are small actions that can be taken to decrease the loneliness and increase your chances of creating relationships that will transform your life.

Evaluate Your Online Presence

In today’s modern world, it’s practically impossible to never be online. But for most, social media has overtaken our everyday lives. Today, social media platforms are often the main—and sometimes the only—social interaction we have on a daily basis. Some studies report that Americans spend an average of nearly eight hours online each day with just over two hours of that on social media platforms alone. It may be rather obvious but the point must be made: the more time spent online means less time engaging with the world around us, thus, less time connecting with actual people all around us. Take an honest inventory of your digital habits. You may be surprised at how much time you’re wasting each and every day.

Get Up and Get Out

There are many positives in spending less time online, one significant benefit being more time to get out of the office and involved. It’s critical to invest time and energy into others, into building community, and there’s no better way to do that finding somewhere to get involved. That may be finding somewhere in Reno to volunteer to help others. Serving together with other like-minded individuals can be a great way to build relationships. Or perhaps it means getting involved in a life group. At Hope Community Church, small groups are a foundation part of life. We have life groups that meet all around Reno, and we’d bet there is a perfect group for you.

Always Look Above

While our two actions above are great ways to start building relationships and break down the feeling of isolation, what can’t be overlooked is that you are never actually alone. He is always with you.

“Be strong and courageous…for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” –Deuteronomy 31:6

As a human being, it’s impossible to always overlook those feelings of loneliness and isolation, but if we keep our eyes on things above, we can begin to see that we are never truly alone.

Want to talk more about loneliness and steps you can take to move on? We’d love the opportunity to talk with you about it. Visit us during one of our Sunday services [LINK TO PLAN YOUR VISIT PAGE], or simply share your prayer request with us and we will walk with you on your journey.


Hope Community Church opened its doors on October 1, 2006 as a new church plant in the Double Diamond area. At Hope Community, we have a real love for the broken and beautiful people of south Reno. Our church is full of imperfect people who are seeking everything that life in Christ has to offer. Whether you are new to church or have been looking for a church home, we would like to invite you to join us this Sunday. We believe that your experience at Hope will change the way you look at church! Dress is casual, music is contemporary, and the teachings are extremely relevant. Find out why so many people who have given up on church have discovered something different at Hope!

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